
Our first holiday line of fabrics

There's a slight nip in the air, the days are getting noticeably shorter, and although we don't typically condone thinking about the holiday season until AFTER Thanksgiving, Wrapagain is very proud to announce our first line of holiday fabric combinations.

We debuted these seven options yesterday at the Ottawa Hills Fall Festival (which was a lot of fun and we will be posting pictures of our booth in the next couple of days!), and they were all a big hit. We are working to incorporate them into our online store and hope to have that completed by the end of this coming week. So without further preamble, here's some eye candy for your Sunday afternoon...

If you can't wait for the fabric combinations to be added to the online store (and some of you have told us you can't, and we totally understand), you are most welcome to e-mail us with your order at :

Pricing is the same: $5.95 for a small, $10.95 for a medium, and $15.95 for a large (plus tax in Ohio, and plus shipping). If you e-mail us, we'll give you a phone call back to get your payment and shipping details, so be sure to send along your telephone number.


Ottawa Hills Fall Festival

If you plan on being in the Toledo area this Saturday, September 26, be sure to stop by our booth at the 5th annual Ottawa Hills Fall Festival (11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. @ Geresy Field at the high school).

We will be debuting our seven holiday fabric combinations. You'll be happy to hear we have settled on the following names:
  • Points in Teal
  • Baubles and Bells
  • Beady Delivery
  • Treasured Traditions
  • Let It Snow
  • Happy Hollydays
  • Winter Woodland
After Saturday, come back here to the blog to see pictures of the event as well as pictures of all of the fabrics.

Enough chit-chat... back to the sewing machine!!!