
Get 'em while they're hot!

It wasn't when we thought it'd be, but the secure online store for Wrapagain is now active!!!! Visit www.wrapagain.com to place your order.

We suggest that you secure your favorite patterns while the selection is at its best. At our pre-launch party last Friday, we sold so much that there is already one pattern with very limited availability (yea us!). Low quantity notifications will appear (when applicable) within the area for each size and pattern.

Special reminder to our Toledo customers -- call us prior to ordering if you'd like to save on shipping costs.


Oops, there goes another rubber tree.

June 1. It seemed so far away in April when I said, "June 1 sounds like a good day to launch the online store."

We moved hard and fast (but still carefully!) over the last six weeks to sew enough product to photograph, process, design, compose, and develop both the Web site and the secure online shopping cart for Wrapagain. All along, we had high -- yet reasonable -- hopes for today.

Last night at 11:50 p.m. we published what we have. Check it out at www.wrapagain.com. The down side is that unfortunately, the one element currently not available is, well, the store part. We are only waiting on the last ingredient for our merchant services configuration, and then we're ready!

In theory, it could still happen today, but we thought it more important that you know what's shaking.

In the meantime, I plan on finalizing some of the orders that I took at our pre-launch party on Friday, which was a LOT of fun. The positive response was exciting and a touch overwhelming at the same time. Good times. Good times.