
Fingers, toes, and ribbons crossed!

I'm still in awe that I was lucky enough to be chosen as a presenter at the Country Living Fair Pitch Your Product event, held in Atlanta in October. After a long build up, I went in the room, said my perfectly-timed three-minute speech and fielded the questions.

Me, before going in to Pitch Your
Product at the Country Living Fair!
Can you see my knees knocking?

Was I nervous? You bet. The judges were very, very nice and seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say about Wrapagain. I got a good reaction when I told them about the tracking / Follow Your Fabric idea too.

It was great meeting all the other creatives out there who are eagerly waiting to hear as well -- we heard that there were about 120 of us pitching, probably just under 10 will be winners. I wish them the best of luck too!

So now it's just a waiting game -- they have until December 19 to notify those who won a spot in an upcoming issue of their magazine. Keep your fingers, toes, and ribbons crossed for me!