
I Got the Rest!

Growing up the youngest of three, I always looked for ways to bug my older brothers – because I could, you know, and I’m pretty sure that’s part of the job description of being the little sister.

Mike, me, and Brian in Kansas City, circa 1980.
Dessert always seemed that much sweeter when I happened to get the last butterscotch brownie, the last springerle at Christmas, or last slice of birthday cake – when it wasn’t even my birthday.

It was also very sweet when I got to tell them (insert childlike sing-songy voice), "I got the rest! I got the rest!"

Bratty? Probably.
Worth it? You betcha.

So we're giving YOU a chance to get "the rest." Visit us at the sixth annual Ottawa Hills Fall Festival this weekend (September 25 from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm) for some sweet, discontinued patterns.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Aw, MAN! I didn't see this until just now, so I guess I missed out. I was the middle child, so I'm used to it. Hope you cleared out that inventory!

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